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2.437,57 USD
2.958,62 USD
2.564,10 USD
3.142,07 USD
3.001,17 USD
3.522,22 USD
2.507,74 USD
3.691,58 USD
2.564,10 USD
3.987,47 USD
3.198,43 USD
2.454,48 USD
2.761,36 USD
3.480,23 USD
1.721,52 USD
2.992,72 USD
2.493,93 USD
2.992,72 USD
2.493,93 USD
2.437,57 USD
2.163,10 USD
3.209,70 USD
3.082,89 USD
2.521,83 USD
5.368,29 USD
8.239,83 USD
2.383,46 USD
2.424,89 USD
2.141,40 USD
4.720,15 USD
4.720,15 USD
2.282,58 USD
83 products listing in this category

Models of Avantgarde Living Room Sets

The best examples of how to create the perfect living room sets are avant-garde designs. We are displaying the most appealing and striking models in our category of avant-garde design living room sets, which are the best choice for the pleasant and different decoration you want to create in your living spaces. When making your selection, consider how its shape and dimensions will complement your personal style as well as the current state of your living room. The peace and attractive design that is felt at home from the moment you step into the room should be protected with the choice to be made. You can find inspiration for many living room sets designs, from modern to classical, avant-garde designs to country products, in our avant-garde living room sets category, which is prepared for all tastes.

Avangarde Living Room Sets Designed Especially for You

With a single click, you have the superiority and convenience of having avantgarde living room sets that appeal to your taste. As the CaddeYıldız furniture team, we are developing new ideas, advancing our work in this direction, and publishing specially designed products for our customers and presenting them to your liking. As you are aware, there are numerous ways to decorate a living room. We believe that the lines that best reflect you and your personality are the best choice. It is critical for your living room set decoration to select products that best suit your lifestyle and understanding of color. To begin, whether you want a living room decorated with vibrant colors or a living room decorated with neutral colors, colors can be changed optionally in all models and the color you want, can be applied to the product. All of our designs include functionality and long-term usability as standard features for our customers.

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